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How To

Adding request headersAdding request headers to log requests
AJAX error handlingLogging AJAX issues, including timeouts, errors and delays.
Angular 2+ logging to the serverLogging JavaScript exceptions to the server in Angular 2+ applications.
AngularJs Error HandlingLogging JavaScript exceptions and AJAX issues to the server in AngularJs applications.
Content Security Policy (CSP)Content Security Policy compliance
Setting the url to send logs toHow to set the url where jsnlog.js sends log messages.
Lost connection handlingHandling losing the connection to the server.
JavaScript Error HandlingLogging uncaught JavaScript errors.
Javascript Try CatchLogging exceptions in a catch block.
Loading jsnlog.jsVarious options to load the jsnlog.js library
Log Message BatchingBatching multiple log messages in one log request to the server.
Log Message FormatFormat of JSON objects containing log messages
Logging to databases and servicesLogging to databases and services
Numeric SeveritiesJSNLog's numeric severities.
Obfuscated Script ErrorsPreventing the browser from obfuscating script errors