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JL Namespace and Method

JSNLog namespace. Also creates loggers and retrieves loggers by name.


createAjaxAppender MethodCreates an AjaxAppender.
createConsoleAppender MethodCreates a ConsoleAppender.
getAllLevel MethodGets numeric value of the ALL level
getDebugLevel MethodGets numeric value of the DEBUG level
getErrorLevel MethodGets numeric value of the ERROR level
getFatalLevel MethodGets numeric value of the FATAL level
getInfoLevel MethodGets numeric value of the INFO level
getOffLevel MethodGets numeric value of the Off level
getTraceLevel MethodGets numeric value of the TRACE level
getWarnLevel MethodGets numeric value of the WARN level
JL MethodCreates and retrieves JavaScript loggers
setOptions MethodSets library wide options


This is the namespace containing all JSNLog JavaScript objects.

It also serves as the method that creates or retrieves loggers.